Sunday, 30 December 2012


Oh well, there is no such thing like 'boxing day' in Belgium, instead there is a mega sale period in January. So I had to wait for January to come for good deals. But since I was going to Antwerp, a great shopping city, I couldn't resist myself but to go shopping :-)

My main purpose of 'winkelen' was to buy Christmas gifts for my family and Bart, however a thought of mega sale couldn't go away from my head.... so I couldn't buy much.

I found something that Bart needed for a long time, yes.
I also found a pair of black flat shoes that I needed for a long time, yes.
I wasn't really searching for Pandora store but.... on the way to Hugo Boss I 'accidentally' passed the shop and couldn't resist going in. There I got myself a charm!

A tigress charm. This is supposedly new year collection of Chinese Zodiac signs. It isn't even on the website. I feel like I am a '신상녀'.

After spending enormous amount of money :( I just wanted to chill by browsing books in a bookshop. There I found a book about sex toys. Interesting. This country is so liberated and publishes all sorts of books! Oh well I checked the publisher and it was from the Netherlands. Nice.

I immediately bought it because it was fun to see such book. This is unthinkable in Korea - finding a sex toy book in a normal bookshop in the daylight. Wonder about the content? It is really detailed and informative (with many sexy pictures), apparently. :-)

두번째로 다녀온 앤트웝. 갈 때마다 쇼핑을 하지만 이번에는 1월의 세일을 기다려야 하기 때문에, 많은 물건들을 구입하지는 않았다.

그렇지만 나의 지름신은 결국 나의 소비욕구를 멈추지 못했고, 몇 가지 물건을 샀는데 그 중 가장 재미있는 아이템은 성인용품에 관한 책. 굉장히 디테일하고 많은 정보가 담겨져 있다. 물론 너무나도 섹시한 사진들과 함께. 이거 너무 재미있는 아이템이다 싶어서 바로 계산대로 들고가 구입 :-)  대낮에 그것도 일반 서점에서 이런 책을 살 수 있다니 참 이 나라 많이 오픈되어있다.

그리고 나를 위해 구입한 판도라 참. 우연치 않게 발견한 샾을 그냥 지나칠 수가 없어서 ㅠ_ㅠ 예상에도 없던 지출이... 그렇지만 점원언니가 신상품이라면서 십이간지 참들을 보여주는데, 나의 사인 호랑이는 안 살 수가 없었더랬다. 홈페이지에는 아직 업데이트가 안되어있다. 호호 이런 기분이 바로 신상녀의 기분?

그렇지만 나 너무 소비주의에 물들고 있는 것 같아. 나를 위해 무언가를 사면 기분은 좋지만 한 편으로는 이런거에 기쁨 느끼는 내가 조금은 슬프다. 

Friday, 28 December 2012


A thought on memories from the past

Someone told me our past is everything.
I think what he meant was that our past has led us to the present and finally define us.
Past is important in a sense that what and who you are is all based on your history. Experiences you've had, people you've met, difficulties you've gone through... everything makes who and what you are now. Yes I agree on that. But is it necessary to always refer to your past when you are living the present?

Maybe it is if you are old and have not to much adventure ahead.
Maybe it is if you are not happy with the current situation.
Maybe it is if you are not sure about your life now.
Maybe it is if you studied history.

Till the point I was busy pursuing my dream and when also being disappointed by reality in Uganda, I was always a future-oriented person. Thinking about the present and how it would affect the future in general. Past was simply something irreversible and something that happened which I couldn't do much about it. If you are stuck in affairs or memories from the past how will you go forward?

It will swallow you up. It will slowly rot you to death. There is no progress - this means end to me.

I think this attitude helped me survive this harsh world. All the nasty things happened to me.... I couldn't take them with me so I abandoned everything there... sometimes even good things too.

Now I think again, whenever I had a conversation with my friends from high school, I seemed not to remember or even I didn't think I was part of it. Some friends said it was because I went through so much after high school unlike others. That might be true but even things happened in Uganda seem so long ago.

I don't seem to hold so much memories or histories within myself. I just live the present and things pass by. I don't embrace much of the past. Is it because I am such a selfish cold-hearted bitch? Or simply because I have short-term memory problems? Or do I regret so much about things happened in the past and just try to justify myself by not remembering/ reminding myself?

My brother once tried to define me or try to make me define myself but I don't even remember how it ended and the questions is still there.

My history defines me. I have no doubts on that. But living in the past destroys you. Trying to correct wrong things from the past is justifiable. Reflecting good things from the past to the present is also what we do all the time. But being stuck in the past does no good. No good at all. 

Thursday, 27 December 2012

Amelie Nothomb

자주가는 카페에서 내가 쓴 글에 어떤 분이 아멜리 노통에 관한 덧글을 남기셨다.
(여담이지만 그 분의 덧글을 보고 아멜리 노통이 벨기에 출신인 걸 처음 알았고,
벨기에 외교관의 딸이라는 것도 처음 알았다)
그래서 가만히 생각해보았는데, 내가 유일하게 읽어본 소설은 '반박' 밖에 없는 듯.

그래서 혹시나 해서 예전 블로그를 뒤져보니 -
역시나 2004년도 수능 끝나고 한창 여가 시간이 많을 때 읽었더랬다.

그래서 다시 그녀의 quotes를 여기다가 옮겨 적으련다.

사람은 스스로가 어떤 인물인지 알지 못한다.
자기 자신에게 익숙해 진다고 믿고 있지만 실제로는 정반대이다.
세월이 갈수록 인간이랑 자신의 이름으로 말하고 행동하는 
그 인물을 점점 이해할 수 없게 된다.
그렇다고 문제가 되는 것은 아니다. 
자신에게 낯설게 느껴진다고 한들 무슨 불편이 있을 것인가?
그편이 오히려 나을지도 모른다
자신이 어떤 인간인지 알게 되면 혐오감에 사로잡힐 테니까. 

피해를 입는 경우에 장점이 있을 수 있다면 그건
피해 당사자가 자신의 인내력의 한계를 시험할 수 있다는 점이다.
내적 성찰을 해본 적이 없는 나는 내 마음속 깊은 곳을 들여다보고는 깜짝 놀랐다.
마치 거기서 미지의 힘을 발견하기를 기대했던 것처럼. 

글쎄 나는 나를 잘 알고 있다고 믿지 않는다.
딱 일 년 전쯤 런던 포트레잇갤러리 레스토랑에서 동생과 대화를 할 때도
동생과의 대화와 의견 교류가,
나의 존재, 나의 성격, 나를 완성하는 모든 것들에 대해서 곰곰히 생각하게 만들었다.

내 이름으로 무언가를 말하고, 내 이름으로 행동을 하지만
어쩔때는 나는 백프로 솔직하지 못한 사람 처럼 느껴지기도 하거든.

내가 어떤 인간인지 알게 된다 - 이건 어느 경우에도 불가능한 것 아닌가.
누가 어떤 기준을 잣대로 어떤 가치를 가지고 나를 평가 혹은 정의 내릴 것인가.

 it (all) depends

Saturday, 22 December 2012

pleasant (double) surprise!

When I came back from the party on Thursday night, there was a package for me, from China.
He must've sent this this Monday or after but it was already here. So fast. I was really impressed with the service DHL provided....

Thanks again to JJ for nice vegetarian curry paste and the puzzle!
I am going to make laksa soon! My laksa >o<!!!

So the package from China was the first surprise for me. 
It was so fast and I loved the things in there :-)
Plants vs. Zombies... I used to play this game a lot while I was still in university. I don't play it anymore but I actually attempted to play a bit yesterday. But soon I gave up and just focused on making this puzzle. haha It is really cute!

In the evening, Bart and I played Agricola. This is not my favourite game because I suck and Bart is so good at it. Anyways I won the game last night! Hahaha this was my second surprise :-)
I finally beat him and now I can happily resign to play this game. I think I am unnecessarily too competitive in these little games.

Friday, 21 December 2012

ik ben blij vandaag

생은 얼마나 많은 소근거림으로 가득한가.
스무살이란 원래 막막하라고 있는 나이 같다. 확실한 건 아무것도 하지 말라고 있는 나이.....
어른들은 습관과 의무 속에서 살고 아이들은 충동과 잔소리 속에서 살며
스무 살의 나이는 몽상과 도주의 욕망 속에서 살아간다.
그러니 설사 막막할지라도 슬퍼할 필요는 없다.스무살의 권리니까.

전경린 <나비>中

글쎄 이 구절을 한국의 현 시대에 반영해 본다면 막막한 나이는 스무살이 아니라 이십대이다. 
열아홉 즈음부터 스물아홉.. 혹은 서른까지. 

호주에서 학교를 다니며 막막한 점이 있었다. 공부도 늦게 시작했는데, 졸업 후 일을 제대로 못 구하면 어떡하지 막막했다.

다행히도 졸업 전에 계약직이지만 취업을 했다. 취업을 하고 나니 현실과 이상의 괴리가 너무 커서 힘들었다. 나의 꿈이 망가지는 것 같아서 막막했다. 현실에 안주하며 물들어 가는 내 모습을 보니 막막했다.

나의 선택으로 머나먼 유럽땅에 왔지만 취업이 생각처럼 쉽지 않아 막막하다. 점점 바보가 되어가는 것 같아 막막하다. 프랑스어 실력이 생각처럼 일취월장하지 않아 막막하다.

But I felt different today. In the morning I enjoyed translating an article for ILDA, I enjoyed playing games, I enjoyed eating spicy Korean food, I enjoyed eating chocolates without feeling guilty, I enjoyed a short stroll in the neighbourhood, I enjoyed the party with my classmates and I really enjoyed talking to my classmates and their families. I was actually surprised to see myself having a conversation in Dutch. Maybe I should organise this kind of get together thingy :-)

너무 나만의 생각에 갖혀서 막막해 하지 말자.  내 삶엔 많은 소근거림이 있고, 그것들에 귀기울일 필요도 있어. 하찮다고 생각할 필요없다고. 아무리 작은 것이라도 아무리 흔한 것이라도 항상 pay attention and appreciate. 나의 평화와 행복은 나의 attitude에 달려있다는거.

Monday, 17 December 2012

love from faraway...

오늘은 무려 2004년에 네이버 블로그에 썼던
무라카미 하루키 산문집의 한 구절을 재탕하려 한다.

마음이란 사용하는 것이 아니다. 
마음이란 그냥 거기에 있는 것이다.
마음은 바람과도 같아서 당신은 그 움직임을 
느끼는 것만으로도 좋은 것이다. 

나의 인생은 이미 많은 부분을 상실하고 말았지만
그것은 겨우 한 부분이 끝났을 다름이다.
이제부터 무엇인가를 
거기에서 얻을 수 있을 것이다.

Murakami Haruki <한 없이 슬프고 외로운 영혼에게>

Yes I was sad maybe I am still.
Once I tried so hard to control my and others' mind/heart but it was no use.
Yes it is supposed to stay still. It is supposed to feel the wind, feel everything that passes by.

Part of my heart is severely burnt and now blackened. I lost that part. It is not functional anymore.
I lost half of my cheerfulness. I am sad and lonely which can't be explained by any means.
I am still young and if the world doesn't end this Friday, I will live even longer.

First and a half chapter of my life is closing now but I'd better learn from and use my blackened part.
It is merely a part that has seen the end. Merely a part of me.....

Sunday, 16 December 2012

vegetarian night!

he was so happy to cook vegetarian dishes.
from bread to dessert - it was a success!

ummmmmmmmmmmm 't was super lekker!
brood was heel lekker!
hoofdmenu was een beetje zwaar maar lekker!
chocolademousse was super super lekker!

alles was huisgemaakt

베지테리안 나잇.
맛있는 홈메이드 음식과 와인은 언제나 행복을 가져다 준다네~~

Friday, 14 December 2012

Pandora's box

Yes.. I opened Pandora's box few weeks ago.. and this is deadly addictive!
Since I made some money in the last two weeks, I wanted to treat myself something special.

I am not really a jewellery person but I couldn't help but keep looking at charms and rings from Pandora website. So... as a reward of my HARDWORKING, I gave myself a beautiful ring :-)

Initially I wanted to buy this ring in Leuven after work, but the ring was not there and the shop assistance had to order one from me both in 50 and 52 size.

But the day after when I was supposed to go and try the ring, the company gave us a lift to Brussels. So... hmmmmmm I had to go to a shop in Brussels.

Anyways this ring was also the last one... the shop assistance said I am lucky. Yes I am lucky enough to buy this ring by myself... hahah :-)

판도라의 상자를 열어버렸다.  판도라의 매력 아주 위험하다 ㅠ_ㅠ
열심히 일해서 돈을 번 기념으로 나에게 반지를 선물! 

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

missing Uganda (terribly)

Talking to Emily last night made me so want to go back to Uganda. I miss people, sunshine, nakawa market, owino market, sweet potatoes, tropical fruits, relaxing in Munyonyo and so many....

Australia is definitely my second home but Uganda gives me the most sentimental feelings.
There I grew, I learned a lot, I learned how to compromise with the world,
I was disappointed, I disappointed people, I was hurt, I hurt people,
I was happy, I made people happy,
I became a bit mundane and I grew again.  

호주에서는 대략 6년 정도 살았다.
인도에서는 딱 3개월 살았다.
우간다에서는 대략 1년을 살았다.

호주는 항상 제 2의 고향 같은 곳이고, 인도는 꼭 다시 돌아가고 싶은 곳이며
우간다는 뭔가 마음이 아련해 지도록 그리운 곳이다.

우간다가 내 마음을 아련하게 만드는 이유는,
학교 졸업 후 처음으로 부모님의 도움을 벗어나 혼자 서게 된 계기를 마련해 준 곳이고,
국제 개발에 큰 꿈을 가지고 처음으로 일을 시작한 곳이기도 하고,
정말 나의 인생에 큰 영향을 미친, 그리고 미치고 있는 사람들을 만나게 된 곳이고,
사람들에게 사랑을 많이 받은 곳이라. 

어제는 에밀리랑 간만에 스카이프 데이트를 했다. 역시 눈에서 멀어지니 마음이 멀어진 건 아니지만, 뭔가 대화소통이 조금 어색했다. 내가 피곤해서 그런 것도 있겠지만 우리들의 이야기는 오버랩 되는 것이 하나도 없으니깐. 그래도 나이로 따지면 한참 동생인 에밀리는 나에게는 항상 언니같은 존재.

보고 싶다 우간다에 있는 사람들. 에밀리도 보고 싶고, 귀요미도 보고 싶고, 센터장님도 보고 싶고, 고양이들도 보고 싶고, 알렉스랑 모세스랑, 제랄드랑, 티나랑, 리타랑 ... 그냥 다 보고 싶다. 그리고 이름을 이미 잊어버린........ 그린샵의 친절한 사람들도. 헐 ㅠ_ㅠ

Monday, 10 December 2012

My very first *home-made* Asian moment in Belgium

I have a Thai classmate in my Dutch class and one day she invited me for lunch at her friend's place.
Her friend is Taiwanese who's been living in Europe for many years. 

She is apparently an excellent cook.  She is also very considerate as she made a separate soup for me (vegetarian!)

I simply loved her food. She also made rice balls and when I said I love red beans she took out some red bean soup to serve with rice balls. This is not typical dessert in Korea but I've had it many times in Canberra. Rice balls with ginger soup is also super! JJ used to make this for me.

I became a bit sentimental while eating these Asiatic dishes........ 
This was the first time somebody cooked 'Asian' food for me in Belgium.... maybe that's why. 
Or it brought me some old memories back.... maybe that's why. 

마음이 따뜻한 사람들이 만들어 준 음식을 먹으며 수다를 떠는 것이 
참 단순하고 별 볼일 없는 일 같지만,
나에게는 정말로 꼭 필요했던 따뜻하고 중요한 순간이었다.
이 살기 힘든 타지에서 꼭 한국인, 한국음식과 함께 할 필요는 없다는거. 
그저 서로의 상황을 이해해주고 소박하지만 함께 음식을 나누어 먹고 수다를 떠는 것이 참 좋았다. 그리고 좀 재미있는건, 역시 아시아 사람들끼리는 통하는게 있는거 같아.  

Friday, 7 December 2012

Het sneeuwt

it's been snowing these days but not like today.
I don't really like snow but it's always nice to sit home and just look out the window...
it is BIUTIFUL :)

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

temporary job in the european parliament

 Boryeong City from Korea and Buñol City from Spain had a joint exhibition on Mud Festival Boryeong, Korea and Tomatina Buñol. It was very accidental to find a temporary job there as a presenter.

Visitor's pass to the European Parliament...... Every time I enter the building, I had to be accompanied by a person who has an official permit to enter (or who works there).

12월 4일부터 6일까지 유럽의회에서 열린 전시회.
이번 전시회에서 프레젠터 및 통역으로 일을 하고 있는데 (내일까지)....
정말 놀랄 일들이 너무 많다.

Monday, 3 December 2012


I miss you Frosty! I will someday fly back to Uganda to get you!

* 프로스티가 보고싶어. 

sunday out

a day trip to Knokke and het zwim (somewhere near the coast and the Netherlands)
it looks really beautiful in the pictures but I was almost freezing to death.....
my body reacts so vigorously to cold.
This is a nice picture taken by Nina.
I want to say this is a sign of truce. 

this reminds me of bush-walking in Australia......... one way to get closer to nature
this picture is taken by Bart - i love the frame and the colour

my first time in the coast 

I was wandering alone... cold icy wind made me walk fast leaving everybody behind

* 우간다와 인연이 있는 사람들(커플들이라고 하는 것이 나을 듯)끼리 바다근처로 하루 여행을 다녀왔다.  Knokke 시내는 추운날의 선샤인 코스트를 연상시켰다. 
아 mooloolaba바로 그 곳. 
 여름에는 이 곳에서 서핑을 배워도 좋을 것 같았다. 파도가 드센걸 보니.

Saturday, 1 December 2012

First of December

It's already December. I spent half a year here in Brussels. I was going through my posts in this blog and realised that I've been abusing it.... 격한 내 감정 너무 토해낸 것 같아.

Let's consider this as a new start.. I should act and think more serenely. Serenely.. .. ..