Thursday, 13 September 2012

Nederlands en Frans

 I could finally registered in a French course near my place (still 25 min walk). Unlike my Dutch course, the median age seems a bit higher - maybe around 35-40 I guess.

Judging from my first lesson... it's not very interactive nor fun. I think the reason would be that there are too many people and people don't seem to listen to the teacher. On top of that, some people even speak French already.............. and some don't write Alphabet. Hah

I should look for another French course which starts around November. Until then, I really need to focus on Dutch.. things are getting more difficult and there are a lot to absorb... this weekend I think I will have to study..... no more fun for me. 

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Practice Dutch?

I've downloaded the application called 'NoisyTyper' which makes sounds of a typing machine whenever I write. It is interesting and I am more tempted to write :-)

From Monday, I've attended 3 classes and it turned out to be very fun. Maybe because it's just easy beginning. I like the teacher and classmates which is a very important fact in making lessons more fun.

Anyways, I decided to write something today just to try two things: 1) NoisyTyper; and 2) my Dutch writing skills.


Ik heet Gayoung en ik woon in Schaarbeek. Ik ben niet getrouwd en ik heb geen kinderen. Ik woon nog maar 3 weken in Belgi˜µ˚∆˙©ƒ∂ßå∆≥…æ‘“¨¨ë  - België. (I am not used to use 'ë' I have to admit). Ik spreek Engels, Koreeans en enn beetje Nederlands (en enn beetje Spans). Ik studeer Nederlands en Elsene. Ik ben zesentwintig jaar. Ik verjaar op 26 maart. Mij favorite seizoen is zomer.

It's a bit stupid but I think it is important to practice this way. REPEAT and try to create more sentences..... maybe with this NoisyTyper app I will be more tempted to write, even everyday :-)

Monday, 3 September 2012

Useful links for learning Dutch

I was just web-surfing and found some links which are good for learning Dutch! Yay
(I am not sure whether I will be using these often though :p)

mostly copied from ( this blog :-)

Learning Dutch

After a very boring, long and painful pause, I had something to do regularly (finally!!). I've enrolled in a Dutch course on 18th of July which was 11 days after I arrived in Brussels.

Today was the first day of lesson. The class starts from 9am to 12:30pm Monday to Thursday, however since it is my first day today I decided to leave a bit early which got me to the place around 8:30am.

It was quiet. Nobody was there, even administration people. Only a cleaner guy was working. After waiting for 20 minutes, people started to come one by one.

Apparently there were two classes mixed (hopefully only for today) so we had about 20 or more people. All from different countries. None of them from Korea. One mind-relieving thing for me was that I was not the only one who doesn't speak French! Yay! 

The class was fun except for one thing...... the teacher didn't seem to remember my name.... (her pronounce was good though) how embarrassing it was.... only my name was not called many times. She would ask people questions but me... skip my name first and come back to me after looking at the attendance list.

It was definitely more fun than fighting and sulking by myself.

프랑스어 코스에 비해서 네덜란드어 코스는 가격도 싸고, 종류도 다양한 것 같다.
한달에 25유로만 내고 80시간을 배운다.
네덜란드어를 못하는 벨기에 사람들이 많을거라고 생각했는데, 의외로 다른 유럽 나라들의 사람들이 많았다. 다들 왜 배우려고 하는지는 물어보지 못했지만, 차차 알게되겠지.
프랑스어도 공부해야하는데.... 의지가 필요해. 열정과 의지.

언어를 배우면서 예전의 나로 돌아가고 싶어. 긍정적이고 활발한 나.
더이상 우울하고 비관적인 나는 싫어.